Digitalendpoint Blog

We offer our best advice, research, how-tos, and insights with the goal of helping you increase employee productivity and protect your business from insider threats.

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Legal View

Is Monitoring My Employees Legal?

Is Monitoring My Employees Legal?

Yes, employee monitoring is legal in the United States! While the 1986 Electronic Communications Privacy Act prohibits unauthorized interception of electronic communications including e-mail, the law exempts service providers. Therefore, the courts have commonly...

Can You Read Your Employee Monitoring Reports?

Can You Read Your Employee Monitoring Reports?

Many companies have decided that employee monitoring software is the best way for them to keep track of their employees. But if you can’t understand the reports, what is the point? Employee monitoring software is often used to guard against intellectual property theft...

3 Employee Monitoring Verdicts and What We Can Learn From Them

3 Employee Monitoring Verdicts and What We Can Learn From Them

Employee monitoring is widely recognized as an important protection against hacking, cybercrime, and illegal or inappropriate use of corporate hardware and software by employees. For employers, the icing on the cake is that it’s even been linked to productivity gains....