Monitoring is a key part of management. Employee monitoring can take many forms, from the humble punch clock to sophisticated software. At its best, monitoring keeps workers focused and productive. At its worst, it’s a flying robot watching you from above... Bad...
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OtherUnder the Radar: Online Bullying In the Workplace
With workplace bullying costing the UK economy nearly £18bn a year, according to Acas, dealing with online employee bullying is an important issue for companies. We all remember bullying in the playground and the dreadful effects it can have. Unfortunately, bullying...
Protect Yourself from Employees’ Illegal Communications
A frequently overlooked but potentially devastating aspect of Thai law makes employers liable for illegal communications sent by their workers. Thailand’s Civil and Commercial Code makes employers liable for wrongful acts committed by employees. This includes...
Executives Panic Over Hacking Risks and the Rise of Insider Threat
The 2014 Sony and Target hacks exposed the data of millions. The subsequent sacking of those company heads deemed responsible has sent a ripple of fear through corporate boardrooms: Fear execs could lose their jobs should their company suffer a similar fate. Fear of...
Monitoring Vs. Blocking: How to Ensure Productive Employee Internet Browsing
There was some sobering news in a 2014 survey about wasting time at work: Employees spend a lot of time in non-work-related web browsing, with 24 percent of those surveyed saying Google was their biggest time-waster. It’s enough to make a manager pull her hair out....
Monitoring Employee Computers as a Response to Cyber threats
How monitoring employee Computer and Internet access helps protect you from cyber threats We all have heard the comment from CEO’s “Our employees are our greatest asset” and while that may be true it also reminds us that, for a multitude of reasons, employees also...