Employee Retention: How To Ensure You Don’t Lose Your Best Employees


Great employees make companies great.

From being incredible ambassadors, to winning new business, handling an impressive workload, or creating key innovations – a single great employee can change a company’s fortunes.

Finding amazing employees isn’t easy though. Attracting and hiring the best talent takes time, resources and quite a lot of luck. And of course, competition is fierce.

As a smart manager, it’s vital that once you’ve found your lucky stars, you keep hold on to them for as long as you possibly can.

Follow these tips to keep your best employees

Nurture A Company Culture

Having a great company culture can help ensure your business is a great place to work, where colleagues get along, are open, support each other and feel valued.

Pay Them Properly

Make sure you give your employees a proper compensation package, paying the market rate or above as soon as you can. If they’re well paid, they’ll be less likely to look elsewhere.

Offer Great Benefits

Flexible working hours, health insurance, extra days off, training, and even free food can all add up, make a difference and keep them loyal.

Recognize Excellence

Celebrate and reward your employee’s best work. Highlighting their hard work will help them feel valued and appreciated.

Have A Growth Path

Make sure your employees have ways to grow, develop and progress in their job scope and career. If they see a future and feel they are growing, they’ll be more likely to stay.

Engage With Them

Talk to your employees, develop a personal relationship, share what’s happening in the company with them and get their feedback. The more engaged they feel, the more committed they’ll be.

Okay, so that’s all been done but what if they still want to leave?

If you find out that an employee wants to leave, or is interviewing elsewhere, it still might not be too late if you can get to them in time:

  • Ask them why they’re leaving and try to resolve any issues
  • Offer them a raise
  • Promote them or give them more responsibility
  • Tell them how much you appreciate them
  • Offer extra perks such as increased flexibility or working from home

Who are my best employees and how do i know if they’re thinking about leaving?

Some of your best employees will be obvious. But sometimes, identifying a star isn’t easy. Your best employees may well not be the most boastful or even the most noticeable. You may not realise it, but some of quieter employees, or those in seemingly less important roles, might be making a huge contribution.

One great option for discovering your best colleagues is to use employee monitoring software.

Solutions such as KnowIT monitor attendance and time spent on specific websites and applications to give you an accurate insight into their productivity. KnowIT will provide you with a productivity score for each and every employee you wish to monitor so that you can uncover the best (and the worst) employees.

Not only will this help you in identifying the best employees and provide you with the information to give praise accordingly, but it will also help you to ensure your workplace is as productive as it can and should be.

Protect your best employees and get more out of your workplace with KnowIT today. To learn more about employee computer monitoring, click here.

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