Is your business missing out on simple ways to improve and attract top talent?
By monitoring employee activity in the workplace, you can easily learn how to improve and optimize your business. Using these tools correctly will help you build a business that attracts top talent to join your ranks.
It all begins with your current employees.
1. Employees Come First
Research shows time and again employees who are treated with respect and consideration are more likely to stay on and say good things about your company.
That’s especially good news when you’re looking to recruit because word-of-mouth is a serious contender for the most important recruiting tool at your disposal – especially where knowledge workers are concerned.
In fact it’s common practice for many companies to offer juicy bonuses and incentives to employees that recruit their qualified friends and acquaintances into the ranks. Not only is this recruitment methodology significantly less expensive, and more likely to produce great candidates, it also serves to create a workforce that is socially engaged and in high spirits.
2. Give Power to Your People
Let your best employees take roles of responsibility.
Letting go is tough. It’s the greatest weakness Alpha types managers must overcome.
The reality is that as your company scales it becomes impossible for you to be involved in every decision and process. You must accept that if you want the business to grow you can’t always take control of every aspect.
The only path to sustainable growth is through your team.
Lead by example and let your star employees shine in influential roles that will let them lead by example in turn.
3. Keep in Touch
Research indicates disengaging from employment or communications with current employees is one of the worst moves a business owner can make.
If you want to attract top talent, you have to make sure your business maintains a culture of positive communication and feedback. A meritocracy where employees are appreciated for the good work they do, and allowed to develop both professionally and personally in line with their performance.
Of course this begs the question:
How Do You Monitor Employee Performance Effectively?
Monitoring performance accurately is difficult to do even in smaller businesses. You certainly have a general “feel” for the qualities of your employees, but the reality is that this feeling can be very misleading. Multiple studies show managers are heavily affected by biases when judging performance based solely on “gut”.
But how can you generate objective and actionable performance metrics without bringing your business to a standstill, and / or spending a fortune on HR staff and processes?
As with every other field of human endeavour, here too technology provides a handy solution in the form of Employee Monitoring Software.
Employee Performance Monitoring Software
Originally designed primarily for security and compliance, the leading
solutions in this field have evolved into powerful employee performance monitors that provide a wealth of information regarding the productivity of individual employees, and the workforce as a whole.
Features you should look for include:
Smart Attendance and Activity Tracking
Rather than simply telling when each employee entered and left, these solutions offer a far superior minute-by-minute record of how much time each employee actually spent at their console, and what they were doing at the time.
Tip: Look for solutions that allow you to designate per employee which applications and websites are productive, and which aren’t.
Reporting and Analytics
One of the biggest problems companies face when adopting a new software solution is that once the initial excitement dies down, it’s easy to lapse back into old habits, especially when said solution generates new data that must be analyzed in order to be actionable.
The best employee monitoring solutions in the market take care of this problem with a two pronged approach that includes:
- Doing much of the heavy lifting for you by automatically aggregating and analyzing raw data into quickly actionable graphic reports.
- Allowing employees to self monitor by alerting employees to their individual performance reports periodically. This not only enhances employees sense of personal responsibility, it also reduces performance related anxiety and conflict, and offers opportunities for direct saving on HR associated costs.
Employee Performance Monitoring is an Easy Win
Employee monitoring software is pretty much the only methodology that provides a clear, bias free, and supremely accurate view of individual employee’s performance. It’s a great way for you to finally discover who your most hard working and responsible employees really are, and which aren’t…
It’s a great opportunity to optimize your workplace – Once you know who’s best at what tasks, you can better assign work, put those who do better in more senior positions and create a spread of work that’s fair for all.
To attract top talent, you first need to be able to effectively identify the top talents already at your disposal, and figure out how to retain them consistently.
Employee productivity monitoring software will help you craft a workplace culture that keeps employees effective and happy, and happy employees are the key to success.
“…If you look after your staff, they’ll look after your customers. It’s that simple…”