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Weekly Employee Reports | An Innovative Way To Improve Productivity

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Imagine you could give your employees a detailed, constructive and personal report each week based purely on their productivity and attendance – and all automatically via email. It would save managers and HR valuable time and effort, as well as unwanted confrontation.

With the right employee computer monitoring software, it can be done. And it couldn’t be easier.

How It Works

When you implement and install computer monitoring software, you should be looking for features that allow you to record all the data necessary to compile a report about productivity and attendance. As mentioned, the best software will do all of this for you!

Features you’ll need:

  • Time keeping
  • Application usage recording
  • Work scheduling
  • Records of websites visited (and for how long)
  • Screenshots
  • Keystroke recording
  • Records of instant messaging
  • USB and Bluetooth device logs
  • File transfer records

If your employee monitoring software is tracking and recording all of the above for each employee then you’ll have all the data necessary to produce a detailed report.

What Information Will Employees Receive?

With KnowIT, employees will receive a summary of their productivity and attendance. The purpose of which is to enable employees to self-regulate both attendance and productivity based on unbiased feedback generated via automated analysis of their working practices.

Here’s how it works:

  • Add an email address for each employee in his or her account.
  • The employee email will be sent weekly on Monday morning according to the KnowIT user’s specified Time Zone.
  • The email report contains the attendance summary for the previous 7 days (Monday – Sunday)
  • It will also detail the hours spent using applications each day, broken down by “Productivity Category”. With KnowIT allowing managers to define a given Productivity Category for any activity that can range from “Productive” to “Prohibited” – depending on the particular employee’s profile.
  • The report will be delivered to the employee’s email address as specified in the Report Email Settings

To support the accurate calculation of productivity, our attendance recording feature captures computer login, door entry, as well as manager assigned absence and holiday information. These can then be used to create productivity and attendance reports that take into mind when an employee should or should not be working.

The beauty of such a system is that employees are given much more responsibility over their performance, and are constantly motivated to improve both their attendance and productivity.

An employee putting in extra effort can rest assured that their contributions are recorded, noted and will be appreciated in due course.

Counterproductive confrontations between managers, team members and HR can be made a thing of the past, saving precious managers’ time and burnout. Enhanced performance means you benefit from a smoother, more productive workforce.

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