Introducing Stop Source Code Theft — The Online Hub for Source Code Security

the cost of data breaches

As a CEO or CTO, you know that your source code is an important part of your competitive advantage and a highly strategic aspect of your company’s innovation and place in your industry.  

In 2018, there were around 2.9 billion data records breached. Perhaps the most detrimental types of leak your company could suffer is the loss of your vital source code. 

Source code leaks are data leaks that affect a number of areas of a business. It is your Intellectual property, and as such, loss of this type of data can have consequences for an organization from share price loss to reputation damage to competitive edge impact. 

That’s why today we’re excited to introduce the Stop Source Code Theft website — a resource brought to you by Digital Endpoint that allows you to gain insights into all aspects of source code security. Explore topics ranging from Recent High-Profile Source Code Leaks and Source Code Security Best Practicesto Preventing Source Code Theft During Development and Source Code Obfuscation, and more. 

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