Key Elements of Employee Monitoring Software


For many employers, it’s not enough just to monitor employee productivity. They must also make sure their workers don’t use company-issued devices inappropriately or illegally.

Companies must constantly be on guard against loss of intellectual property, employees engaging in illegal or prohibited speech, and keyword searches that raise a red flag

Luckily, employee monitoring software can help employers get security, protection and peace of mind.

What Can Monitoring Software Do?

  • Ensure no one is sharing protected company information
  • See what websites an employee is accessing on company devices like laptops and smartphones
  • Track chats and observe keystrokes
  • Maintain a safe, respectful workplace.

What Are The Options?

The ideal employee monitoring program should include:

  • Data loss prevention
  • Search alerts
  • Keystroke logging
  • Email/Webmail monitoring
  • Instant messenger monitoring
  • Mobile device support
  • Attendance monitoring

Software that Fills a Need

There are several employee monitoring programs used today, here are a few:

  • ActivTrak
  • Refog
  • Spectorsoft CNE Investigator Edition
  • KnowIT

All four are available on PCs, however KnowIT also works with Macs, iPhone and Android phones.

Cloud Storage

ActivTrak, KnowIT and Refog have cloud storage as well, but KnowIT comes with 2GB of free cloud storage, which is more than ActivTrak who has 1GB of storage available. This 1GB of storage that ActivTrak provides is equal to about 1,000 screenshots, or 2 days’ worth on 1 PC, also bear in mind that ActivTrak can be installed on a limit of 3 computers.



KnowIT comes with 2GB of
while competitors like
ActivTrak only come with 1GB

Keystrokes, Downloads and Uploads

KnowIT’s software can log keystrokes, while ActivTrak states on its website: “ActivTrak doesn’t have an ability to capture passwords or keystrokes. We do not have any plans to add this feature in future.”

KnowIT can also keep track of downloads and uploads to USB devices, allowing the employers to see what files have been moved to the USB.


Employee monitoring is an area that will clearly continue to evolve in step with technology, norms, and regulations.

We’ve tried above to touch on a few available solutions and cover how each might address particular scenarios.

For more on how KnowIT can solve your monitoring needs, please head over to our site

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