Digitalendpoint Blog

We offer our best advice, research, how-tos, and insights with the goal of helping you increase employee productivity and protect your business from insider threats.

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Russian Hackers Are Targeting Olympic Athletes

Russian Hackers Are Targeting Olympic Athletes

This latest cyberattack shows no one is immune to data breaches Another cyberattack hit the headlines recently when the confidential medical records of Olympic athletes were stolen and leaked by a Russian hacking group. Proving once and for all that nothing is sacred,...

5 Tips On How To Give Effective Performance Reviews

5 Tips On How To Give Effective Performance Reviews

Giving effective performance reviews is an essential job that any manager should be expected to do. We believe this, because according to a Gallup study of 65,672 employees, employees who received feedback on their strengths had a 14.9% lower turnover rate than...

How To Protect Sensitive Data At Work

How To Protect Sensitive Data At Work

Unfortunately, data breaches are an increasingly common occurrence. Whether accidental, or as a result of deliberate attacks, more and more data is being lost. For example, last year broke the record for the total number of data breaches. Businesses reported over...