Sexting on the Company Phone: An Employer’s Perspective


Here’s something workers should already know: Don’t use a work phone to send dirty pictures or texts.

…But we humans sometimes fall prey to temptation, even when it could ruin our careers.

Most sexting occurs during work hours!
Tuesdays between 10 a.m. and noon

Sexting on the Work Phone

Although this practice is obviously a bad idea, it’s worth listing out why:

  • Poisons the work environment – Sexting at work is unethical, unprofessional and could create a hostile work environment, for which an employer could be held liable.
  • Time wasting – Sexting is a distraction that is keeping employees away from the work you’re paying them to do.
  • Liability – Having an employee’s private, and possibly lewd, exchanges with a 3rd party on a company owned device is a liability risk you can do without, especially if said 3rd party is a minor.

Sexting violates the sensible policy that prefers
workers actually WORK on the job.

How can companies protect themselves?

  • Have a clear written policy on sexting. Make sure everyone is aware of it.
  • Take complaints seriously

While these measures are an employer’s first line of defense, it is also advisable to have employee monitoring software installed on work computers and phones. Some choices are ActivTrak and Digital Endpoint.

Keep An Eye On Them

The best way to head off an employee’s bad decision is to help them rethink it. Having a clear policy that discloses all company smartphones and devices are monitored, and alerts are in place for questionable practices, ensures employees think twice before getting themselves in a fix.

“…Usually the very presence of monitoring software is enough to make employees think twice before sending inappropriate messages…”

Avoid getting dragged into stupid, costly and time-consuming situations created by an employee’s hasty actions. Click here to find out how Digital Endpoint’s employee monitoring suite Know IT can help you combat workplace sexting.

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