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7 Best Practices for Managing Projects at Work

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High-performing organizations successfully complete 89% of projects, while low performers only complete 36% and waste nearly 12 times more resources, according to research by the PMI.

From overhauling sales processes to rekeying company communications or creating entirely new product lines, well executed projects are a key component for business success. For anyone in an executive or team leading position, project management is likely a key component of the daily routine.

While project management is a common responsibility, it’s also a skill (and an art) that’s difficult to master and is extremely highly valued.  Here are some tips to help you nail your next project.

Be clear about who is responsible for what

It’s vitally important from the get go to be 100% clear about individual roles and responsibilities in your project. If your team members don’t know what they’re supposed to be doing then your project is guaranteed to fail. Make sure each of your team’s members knows what’s expected of them.

Set concrete milestones and deadlines

Timing is absolutely essential in project management. Without clear milestones and deadlines to aim towards, projects can quickly lose their way and become delayed. From the outset make sure you put a clear roadmap in place that everyone understands.

Avoid micromanaging your team

While it’s your responsibility to oversee a project, that doesn’t mean that you should over manage it. Micromanaging your team is not only a waste of time and energy for you but usually results in poor performance from them. Give them the space and responsibility to do their own work and they will thrive.

Use a good project management system

Managing projects involves juggling many different balls at the same time. From individual team members’ work and deadlines to understanding how your resources are being used and how quickly tasks are being achieved, it’s vital to use an effective shared project management system.

Motivate your team by rewarding key milestones

Projects can be long, stressful and tiring. Give your team something to work towards by offering some positive rewards for hitting key milestones. It’ll help to bring a bit of relief and encourage teamwork among those working on the project.

Have regular (but short) project meetings

Any project you manage will be a group affair. In order to make sure that everyone is on the same page, share the same goals and ambitions and that any problems are quickly aired, it’s essential to hold regular team meetings often. To make sure these meetings stay productive and don’t waste valuable time, however, make sure you keep them short!

Measure progress and productivity

While project management software is an important component it’s also a very good idea to use a tool that will give you a direct insight into how your team members are working. Software for measuring productivity can also be deployed.

KnowIT is a software suite that combines both these important aspects, and can be easily installed onto all of your team’s devices. Once up and running it records exactly what’s being done on the device. With the ability to assign apps and websites as productive or non-productive you can quickly build a picture of how productive each of your team is really being and what exactly they’re working on.

You’ll quickly see if anyone is under or overperforming and have all the data to allocate your resources in an optimal fashion.

To learn more about KnowIT click here.

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