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We offer our best advice, research, how-tos, and insights with the goal of helping you increase employee productivity and protect your business from insider threats.

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6 Ways to Help Manage Employee Stress at Work

6 Ways to Help Manage Employee Stress at Work

British employees spend more than a third of their time feeling stressed, according to 2015 research by Star Consultancy. As we all know, work can pretty stressful. From dealing with deadlines to preparing for evaluations and managing colleagues, the office is a...

What Is Ransomware, And How Can You Protect Your Business From It?

What Is Ransomware, And How Can You Protect Your Business From It?

What is Ransomware? Ransomware is malicious software that encrypts data on a person's computer, or a company’s server so that it is rendered effectively useless. If you want to get your data back, you have to pay a ransom which the hackers demand. Worse yet, according...

Ransomware Protection And The Rise of a Worrying New Hacking Trend

Ransomware Protection And The Rise of a Worrying New Hacking Trend

A worrying new security threat has been evolving over the last couple of years and is becoming an increasingly serious problem for companies everywhere. Ransomware is a type of virus or malware program that blocks access to files on an infected host computer. The...

How To Set Up An Employee Reward Program That Is Successful

How To Set Up An Employee Reward Program That Is Successful

Organizations that have strategic recognition programs have 28.6% lower frustration levels than companies that don’t, according to a survey by SHRM/Globoforce. Everyone likes to be recognized. It’s only natural that employees also enjoy being singled out, praised and...