2016 Brings 6 New Updates to KnowIT

six new digitalendpoint features

We are always looking at ways to improve our employee computer monitoring software, KnowIT. This year so far, we’re introducing SIX new features to provide more in-depth and valuable data for reviewing employee attendance and productivity.

Let’s take a lot at the new features, and how they’ll be of use to YOUR business:

1. Employee Email Reports

This great new feature provides an alternative method for addressing employee attendance and productivity, without the face-to-face confrontation that can actually be counterproductive.

You’ll be able to schedule a weekly email to each employee containing a report on his or her personal attendance and productivity. So, come Monday morning (e.g.), all employees will receive a report on their work the previous week. It’s a useful tool for boosting morale for deserving employees and offering subtle encouragement to those who need to improve.

Here’s what your employees will receive:

  • Attendance summary for the previous 7 days (Monday – Sunday)
  • Hours spent using applications each day, broken down by a Productivity Category metric that scales from “Productive” to “Unproductive” for each application used by each employee.

Application Productivity Categories are ranked in advance by management according to each employee’s role.

2. Data Export for Multiple Devices

This feature extends the existing Data Export feature by including multiple devices in 1 report.

You’ll be able to select and decide the following information you’d like KnowIT to monitor:

  • Date range for events included in the report.
  • Devices from your account to include in the report.
  • Events to include in the report, which currently supports: Call Logs, SMS, MMS, VoIP Call Logs, Location – with more coming in each release.
  • Download the report as CSV or XLS format.
  • Split the report by event type. Each event section has 2 extra columns for the Device Name and UID/IMEI.

3. Scheduled Data Export

You’ll now be able to schedule data export for multiple devices, which will be automatically delivered as an email attachment.

You can choose to disable this feature if you wish, however with it enabled you’ll receive an hourly or daily report on exported data from devices you select. Giving you more knowledge about where files are going, a particularly valuable feature when dealing with private and confidential files.

4. Network Connection Tracker

If you’re worried about suspicious network activity, such as an unusually slow connection, this new feature will provide you with more in-depth information about devices connected to your network.

This update will provide you with the following:

  • Device connections and disconnections from networks.
  • The connection Type, Name and Connection State.
  • Each event can be expanded to reveal more information, e.g. IP address.

5. New Manager Reports

The New Reports update brings a wealth of new monitoring information to your fingertips, making it that much easier for you to solve productivity kinks, and allowing you to more accurately identify and target other issues within your business:

  • Top Websites – Displays the most popular websites browsed by all employees in an easy to understand bar chart.
  • Top Web Users – See which employees are browsing the web the most and how frequently so.
  • File Transfers – This report displays file transfers for all employees in a pie chart, which each slice representing the transfer type. Clicking an employee name will filter the chart to show data for only that employee. You’ll also be able to see the number of downloads and uploads in total.
  • File Activity – Similar to the File Transfer update, this report will provide a pie chart with all file activity, which can also be filtered to show a report for individual employees.

6. New Custom Alerts

You’ll now be able to create custom alerts for file activity. KnowIT will allow you to set up keywords for files so that it can immediately alert you if files have been created, modified, renamed, deleted, transferred etc. A great feature for improving security to protect against data theft or human errors.

Tell us what you think!

Have you used any of the new features yet? If so, which ones were most useful to you? Let us know in the comments below!

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